A rapidly-scalable FedRAMP & SaaS workforce solution for VA​
Enhanced Efficiency,  Lower Costs, Better Care

Savings for taxpayers

Safety for Veterans and staff

Minimize dangerous understaffing through predictive analytics/AI & float pooling. Improve work-life balance with modern scheduling tools

  • Lower expensive turnover rates, decrease injuries and violence against staff
  • Improve quality of care and safety for Veterans

Move float pools from Excel to an advanced enterprise SaaS system

  • Boost float pools by 2,000%
  • Equitable staff floating and faster processes
  • Lower contract labor costs 10%-25%

Overtime tracking in real-time instead of 6 weeks in arrears

  • Lower overtime costs 10%-25%
  • Identify staff working too much OT and putting themselves and patients at risk

Automated enterprise analytics instead of time-consuming, aggregated & inaccurate Excel reports

  • Improve accuracy and timeliness of data
  • Lower administrative & IT costs by 5%-15%

Out with the old...

…and in with the new! Eliminate low-value, antiquated, on-premise technology & error-prone spreadsheets.

10x ROI

Based on our experience with a deployment at VA Palo Alto, we estimate that an enterprise deployment of our SaaS workforce solution across VA would deliver well over $1B in annual savings for VA in addition to improvements in patient care and safety for Veterans.
Shifts scheduled
0 m+

Commercial customers and Federal Agencies trust us to accurately and reliably schedule their staff

Float shifts
0 K+

Our customers typically see float shifts increase 5-20X

years with zero unexpected downtime
0 +

Uninterrupted service :  Expected

years service to VA
0 +

Honored to serve those who serve our Veterans

Reliably delivered messages
0 M+

Communication is the life-blood of a workforce. Trust the most reliable platform 

AVG. Hours saved/Manager/year

Faster managing scheduling, call offs, intra-pay period schedule & timekeeping

Our experience with VA

Since 2020, we have met with dedicated VA leadership, supervisors, managers and nurses across the country and we have learnt about current workforce processes and challenges. During all these meetings we have noticed two consistent themes:

  • The incredible dedication VA Employees have to the Veterans they care for
  • The lack of advanced technology to help these dedicated employees manage a highly complex system with thousands of employees with different skill sets, patients with different acuities and a system essentially continuously in flux 24 hours per day, 365 days per year
In 2024, VA Innovation Ecosystem published a study using Issio data, demonstrating how bed availability in a health care system, based on staffing and patient acuity, changes every 15-30 minutes and at points of time, like change of shift, available beds in a health system can change by 10%-15%. So, in one hour, across the country, VA could gain or lose 6,000 beds. This is an astounding number and a discovery that we are very proud of, because current practice is to manage health system workforce by shifts – and that is really not the way things should be managed to ensure optimal care and cost control.

How can Issio help?

We liken the current process of managing hospital workforces to air traffic control checking in on the location of planes once every 4 hours.  This is obviously insane and no one would fly. We believe that in the future, people will look back at current processes and wonder why things were the way they are.
The incredible variability and dynamic nature of the balance between patient demand and staff supply is one of the reasons health systems have recurring episodes of understaffing, overstaffing, workforce imbalances, excess overtime utilization, burdensome administrative time and care that is not as great as the dedicated employees so desperately want it to be.
We firmly believe that with advanced technology that solely focuses on the needs of frontline employees and the patients they care for, VA can be a shining example for the country, and the world, of an extremely integrated national healthcare system that delivers efficient, low cost, high quality care.
Over the last five years, our team has delivered innovative SaaS workforce software solutions to VA such as a Command Center, Timekeeper Module, Float Pool, Bulk Broadcaster, Predictive Analytics/AI, Enterprise aggregated data analytics to help resolve identified stubborn workforce challenges and allow staff to improve support for Veterans, optimize efficiency and lower costs.
We are excited to continue this process of working with VA and VA Innovation Ecosystem to identify challenges and develop solutions that benefit front line staff, Veterans and taxpayers.

VISN & VA Leadership

Proactive, Efficient, Safe Agency

  • Leverage the power of data, cloud computing, predictive analytics & AI
  • Enterprise data analytics & benchmarking on any workforce statistics
  • Optimal, cost-effective care for Veterans
  • Boost employee morale, enhance staff safety & decrease turnover rates
  • Budgeting with predictive analytics – on-time and on-target

Managers and Staff​

Get back to doing what you love​

  • Save managers 8-12 hours of admin time per pay period
  • Easily create schedules with tools like tour templating & custom views for your VA
  • Self scheduling, shift swapping & open shifts
  • Track changes during the pay period & coordinate with timekeepers
  • Time off tracking, who’s up next to float? Effortlessly manage call-outs
  • Issio was designed for you in the front lines.  

How does a scheduling system enhance quality & safety?​

Understaffing has been shown to increase the risks for medical errors, falls, infections, failure to rescue, ulcers and other quality of care problems.

Understaffing has been shown to increase mortality rates by as much as 10% for every understaffed shift.

Issio gives managers and supervisors the tools they need to manage a health system predictively and proactively so the workforce is balanced every hour of every day so Veterans and staff are as safe as they possibly can be. This is not just theory. VA research, using Issio data shows the dynamic nature of healthcare operations and the need for predictive analytics/AI. Issio has demonstrated the ability to help rebalance the workforce for optimal performance.

Customer Testimonials

Optimize Quality, Slash Costs

Modern workforce management. It’s about time.

Cyber Secure Software

Authorized Cloud Service Provider for the Federal Government
VA Authority to Operate
FedRAMP Authorized
First Class Customer Service
Easy to implement and deploy