Rapidly Scalable
Issio is easy to configure, learn, and use

Game Plan

Issio’s team meets with leadership and managers to set up a timetable and roadmap for configuration, data entry, training and go‑live.

Configuration & Data Entry

Who Configures the application?

Your friends @ Issio

What about Data Entry?

Your friends @ Issio

Our prior schedules?

Your friends @ Issio

Interfaces with GovTA and others?

Your friends @ Issio

Usernames and passwords: 

Issio isn’t on-prem 1990’s software… just tap your PIV card or use face-ID and you’re in your own pre-configured account.

Training and Go-Live

Manager Training:
45-60 minutes
Shift Supervisors/Charges
No training required
No training required

Ongoing Support

Issio is not 1990's tech.
Our highly-regarded and US-based support team is available  via email, phone, or Teams. Our platform evolves and improves continually. We update the application at least every two-to-three weeks, if not sooner.
Do you have a request?
We want to know about it!

Curious about an implementation timeline?

We can show you what to expect, and when.